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Research Estimates 1 In 6 Kids Have A Developmental Disability. Help Us Help Children Thrive In Their Community.

Our Mission

"Unlocking your child's inner success one exposure at a time."

Atypically Amazing Children Inc. is a non-profit organization whose mission is to provide children with social and developmental opportunities in addition to providing parental support and resources to better assist each child’s individual needs. We aim to empower parents by guiding them through a memorable outing with their children while engaging with the community. Atypically Amazing Children Incorporated wholeheartedly believes that everything is possible with the right support in order to make a difference in both the parent and child’s life.


We want to help contribute to the support network of families. AAC aims to provide everyday tools to help atypical children feel supported in everyday environments that may sometimes seem more challenging.


We strive to offer parents and atypical children a safe and accepting environment through community, fellowship, and unity. We believe it is important to create an environment where atypical children can thrive on their own terms alongside their peers.


We hope to help empower parents by sharing our story and personal experience. We strive to inspire you to help you better advocate for your child and offer your child opportunities.

Our Work

Our passion drives us to offer additional guided support to our atypical children and their parents. We offer guided group activities each week. Our curriculum consists of a book related to the month’s topic followed by a hands-on craft or activity to accompany what the children have learned. This creates both a hands-on and visually stimulating environment which has been proven to aid childhood development. All activities are planned to ease each child into the big outing at the end of each month. Through interactive and guided play, children learn to understand what to expect in new environments aiding their individual successes.


Get Involved

Atypically Amazing Children is a Nonprofit organization that relies on people like you to help impact children and their families. We offer children time to prepare one time a week to be ready to explore various community settings and outings, therefore, leading the children to be more successful with each exposure. Providing support gives children and their parents a sense of community belonging and expands their opportunities to succeed. It is our belief that with a positive attitude, everything could be possible and we aim to empower parents and children to tackle the world and immerse themselves in any environment with confidence. It is our dream to create a community and network of inclusion, acceptance, and eagerness to learn.

Want to be involved and help make a difference? We have opportunities here at AAC for great volunteers like you! The volunteer navigator will help us to assist parents and children in our weekly small group activities, during outings and special events. If interested please submit your clearances to [email protected] and we’ll send you a volunteer packet.


Sometimes the biggest challenge in life can be transformed into the greatest and most positive adventure!!

In February 2018, my youngest child was referred to be evaluated by Early Intervention and his therapy services started shortly after. Like many parents, I had mixed feelings of denial, sadness, and uncertainty about his potential diagnosis. Although I was in fear mode, I chose to become the support, strong advocate he needed.

It was now time to face everything and do my best to be proactive, and by the recommendation of a very supportive therapist, I made the next move which was to have him evaluated by the Division of Developmental and Behavior Pediatrics of Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. It was July of 2018 when my child was diagnosed with Autism spectrum disorder, developmental delay, mixed receptive-expressive language disorder, and SPD. At that moment, it was clear to me that as a mother it was my duty to make sure that he thrives as the best and most authentic version of himself. 

 We have been very blessed and lucky to encounter such a beautiful team of therapists, (who we like to call our angels) that have guided and supported us through our journey. But as fabulous as they were, I learned that nothing would have worked if I wasn’t fully involved and part of the team. If I was not constantly challenging my Atypical child and exposed him to all I could, navigating typical environments may have become more difficult for him.

School activities, community outings, concerts, and showcases, you name it, this all and more has been a tremendous challenge for me as a mom of two other very active children. It was important for me to have all the siblings involved in each other’s life and activities—  yes it may have been challenging but not impossible. I strived to have my child feel safe and included in any environment they were placed in. By experimenting with strategies and making accommodations, I was able to expose my youngest to these oftentimes overwhelming environments and make sure each sibling felt included and supported. Sure, I had to twist like a pretzel, but this allowed me to witness the resilience within my family. 

So, throughout my journey, it is my belief that exposure was the best way to help my child navigate through typical environments. Makes sense right? All children grow and develop through exposure to family gatherings, playdates, sports, and sometimes if we have the budget, to an amusement park, museums, zoos, and even trips out of state. While this may be more challenging for an atypical child, like my youngest, these experiences are just as important for their physical and social development and their ability to navigate a typical environment with confidence. 

As a parent of an Atypical child, I know firsthand the physical, mental, and economic challenges we have to face. Therefore, we strive to empower you in advocating for your child as well as supporting their success in whatever that means to your family. We believe that success is the happiness you get from life when you try your very best and never give up. 

Let us be your Village


Our Team

Fiorella Soroka


Marianna Perlstein

Vice President

Ivanna Portilla

Executive Secretary

Miranda Botetano


Guadalupe Ramos

Human Resources

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